Compassion In All Things

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cutting it Back. Trusting the Process.

Today I cut off my plant.

It has been in a pot that is too small for a long time. About as long as I have. The leaves were desperately trying to grow, but they were shriveling up at the edges. Little brown, unnourished edges that were curling up around the supple, healthy green part of the leaves. I replanted it last night, put it in a new larger container that was a long time coming; it was filled with soil that had nutrients and new soil that would nourish it for its new life.

It perked up, but it was long and leggy, not full and lush like the ones downstairs. And someone who has a green thumb suggested that I cut it all back. “I know it sounds harsh, but the plant has been busy putting all of its energy into maintaining the old leaves, so much so that it can’t create new growth. If you cut it all back and start over it will be able to heal itself and start sprouting new growth.”

Of course at first I was fearful of cutting it all down. Especially after repotting it and giving it a new home. But yet it felt right. It needed a new beginning. It needed to start over from scratch. It needed me to trust that it had deep below where I couldn’t see, the resources, the ability, the knowledge to start over and heal.

“Just give it time.” She said.

So I did. I said a short prayer before, honoring the growth that had been made, and asked for the plants understanding of the new growth that was to come and how this was part of the process. Now I need to be willing to be that brutal with myself, to know that by cutting myself down to the roots I can grow back lush and full, that putting my resources where they have been going no longer serves me and isn't enough anymore, and to trust that deep below I have the resources, the ability and the knowledge to start over and heal.